Replay / Replace: Upcycling in Hong Kong Art Jewellery

Replay / Replace: Upcycling in Hong Kong Art Jewellery

Replay / Replace: Upcycling in Hong Kong Art Jewellery
「再玩/置好」 香港升級再造首飾和藝術
May, 2021
Official Website


“Upcycling Hong Kong: The Circular Economy of Recycling Material Culture in Pearl River Delta Jewellery Design”, a research project led by Dr. Anna Grasskamp (Project leader), Dr. Cicy Ching (Co-investigator), Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University. This is also my first time to be a jewellery research assistant.

The research challenges the mainstream understanding of Hong Kong jewellery as predominantly commercial and market-orientated. Going beyond conventional ideas on materiality and value, the exhibition presents insights into a vibrant scene of ecologically aware creative practitioners from different generations and cultural backgrounds engaged with the upcycling of Hong Kong material culture.

Being part of this project was a valuable experience that helped me enhance my academic writing and exhibition curatorial skills. There’s still room for growth, but I‘m looking forward to diving deeper into the history and development of Hong Kong contemporary jewellery in future projects.

12 of the exhibited artworks with background stories are still available on @thingsthattalk website!

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